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How To Logout Whatsapp Account From Android Mobile

Whatsapp is a very popular messenger app in the world of the Internet, which happens in every android mobile. That's why almost all android users do whatsapp use in their mobile, you also do. whatsapp is also a messenger app like facebook twitter, through which we are connected to our friends and family members.

Whatsapp gives us the services to make voice audio calls and video calls in free. Through this, we can send audios, videos, images, GIF files and PDF files to our friends. This is very useful in our daily life. Therefore whatsapp has now become an integral part of our life.

Our first choice for staying in touch by social media from your friends and family members is just whatsapp. So often when we can not run whatsapp due to not having internet data, then we start to feel boring.

There are very good features inside it, which we can use. But still you may have noticed that there is no option to logout the account. Therefore, we can not log out of our account any time.

Many whatsapp users need to log out of their account. Everyone has their own reasons for logout of their account. But most people need to log out of their accounts who have more than one whatsapp accounts.

There is no option to logout the account now in whatsapp. So to logout or to log in to a new account, we have to install back on by uninstall whatsapp.

How to logout Whatsapp from Android Mobile

But sometimes it happens that whatsapp apk file is not in our mobile storage. That's why we have to download it from play store again. In which 30 40 mb of our internet data is turned off. And when we do not have internet available, then we can not install the whatsapp again.

But now you will not need to do all this to logout in whatsapp. Now you can uninstall whatsapp without even logout your account.

To log out of WhatsApp without uninstalling you do not have to do much more than just step by step, they have to follow.

1. First of all you have to go to Mobile Settings.

2. Then there you will find the option of App ya App Manager, click on it.

3. Apps / Apps Manager will have all the apps available in your mobile. Here you have to click on Whatsapp.

4. Now a page will open in front of you. Here you have to click Clear Data.

Clear history of android app

After clicking Clear Data, you can get a warning, whether you want to clear the data of this app or not. Look at the image below.

Clear whatsapp data

We need to log out of our account with whatsapp, so click OK.

Just do so and your account will logout. You can now log in to your second account in it.

If you have any problem in logout of whatsapp account in your mobile, you can ask and comment.

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